Get to know our areas of expertise.

Get to know our areas of expertise.

Experience and Commitment

We are the Law Firm of Navarro, Botelho, Nahon & Kloh Advogados, whose main objective is to make business viable through the provision of advisory and litigation legal services.
We offer a personalized service in which the client maintains a constant channel of communication with the partners. We meet demands in several areas of law, with an emphasis on: tax, corporate, contractual, oil and gas, administrative, real estate and litigation.
In order to assist clients in achieving their business objectives, we develop specific products and solutions aimed at tax optimization.


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Areas of Expertise

Qualified and diversified performance in the areas

Navarro, Botelho, Nahon & Kloh Lawyers offers full assistance in the tax and customs areas, especially:

• Tax planning with the objective of presenting more efficient structures, eliminating or minimizing tax impacts;

• Restructuring of operations with the purpose of reducing tax costs and making feasible the use of special taxation regimes and regional, local and sectoral tax benefits;

• Administrative litigation: defense of the taxpayer against infraction notices and formulation of consultations with the tax administration;

• Judicial litigation: challenge of taxes and recovery of amounts unduly paid.

O escritório detém experiência na estruturação de operações societárias, assessorando clientes estrangeiros e brasileiros na:

• Constituição, acompanhamento, reestruturação, dissolução, liquidação e extinção de sociedades;

• Elaboração de acordos de acionistas e cotistas, protocolos de intenção e memorandos de entendimento;

• Representação judicial e extrajudicial em conflitos entre sócios;

• Realização de “due dilligence” para avaliação de riscos jurídicos em negócios societários;

• Planejamento sucessório;

Navarro, Botelho, Nahon & Kloh Lawyers advises on several contractual issues, such as:

• Negotiation, execution and monitoring of contract execution;

• Establishment of guarantees to enable the development of business;

• Planning that involves mass hiring and / or that is subject to Consumer Law rules.

Navarro, Botelho, Nahon & Kloh Lawyers has expertise in matters that require immediate action before the Judiciary and Public Administration:

• Representation of clients' interests in disputes related to Civil, Corporate, Capital Markets and Banking Law, Bankruptcy Law, Consumer Law, Family and Inheritance Law, Competition Law and Administrative Law;

• Pre-litigation practice and composition of interests through agreements.

Navarro, Botelho, Nahon & Kloh Lawyers has extensive experience in structuring real estate transactions, advising developers in several businesses, such as:

• Execution of purchase and sale contracts, exchange, constitution of guarantees, mortgages and chattel mortgage;

• Advice on issues related to default, repentance, termination and contractual resignation, refund of amounts paid, compulsory adjudication, grant of definitive deed, release of mortgage on the property;

• Negotiation of real estate lease and sublease contracts, revision and lease renewal actions, payment consignment actions and solution of preemptive rights problems, lease guarantees.

Em razão da experiência de seus sócios, o escritório presta consultoria em:

• Processos licitatórios e contratações administrativas, incluindo Parceira Público-Privada – PPP, concessões, permissões e autorizações;

• Processos de prestação de contas, tomada de contas e demais procedimentos perante os Tribunais de Contas da União, Estados e Municípios;

• Representação de clientes em audiências e consultas públicas;

• Processos de licenciamento de estabelecimentos e de registros de produtos nos órgãos competentes.

Navarro, Botelho, Nahon & Kloh Lawyers assists its clients in drafting and negotiating contracts related to the oil and gas industry, especially:

• Assistance in negotiating and concluding association and joint operation agreements between companies national and foreign for the development of activities to support the oil and gas industry;

• Consultancy and planning on importing equipment under special customs regimes;

• Advice on tenders promoted by the industry oil and gas and its suppliers.

Our Team


• Bachelor of Laws from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ;
• Master in Constitutional Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUC;
• Former Chief Advisor to the State Secretariat for Planning and Government Integration;
• Languages: English and Spanish.


• Bachelor of Laws from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ;
• Former legal consultant to the State Secretariat of Governmental Integration;
• Former member of the legal staff of Petrobras Distribuidora SA;
• Postgraduate in Business Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV / RJ;
• Languages: English.


• Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic Universities of Rio de Janeiro - PUC;
• Postgraduate in Corporate Law and Capital Markets from IBMEC-RJ;
• Postgraduate in Tax Law and Tax Accounting from IBMEC- RJ;
• Member of the OAB / RJ Orphan and Succession Law Committee;
• Languages: English.


• Bachelor of Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ;
• Master of Civil Law from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ;
• Doctor of Civil Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ;
• Professor of the Graduate and Graduate Courses at Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV / RJ;
• Professor of the Graduate Courses Lato Sensu at the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ;
• Professor of the Professional Master's Degree at the National Institute of Industrial Property - INPI;
• Professor of the Postgraduate courses of the Brazilian Petroleum Institute;
• Professor of the Postgraduate courses of the Cândido Mendes University - UCAM ;
• Member of the Brazilian Industrial Property Association;
• Member of BRASILCON;
• Member of the Consumer Protection Committee of OAB / RJ;
• Former Advisor at the Federal Regional Court of Monday Region;
• Author of the book “Prescription and Decadence in Civil Law”, Ed. Lumen Juris, d among other publications;
• Languages: English and Spanish.

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